We're giving you
the chance to win a medium tote bag and a large fabric clutch bag with our Matchy-Matchy contest from May 29 to June 3, 2023.
Share a photo of your
best Mom/Child looks with your favorite PPMC accessories.
How does it work?
At home, take a picture of yourself with PPMC matchy-matchy items with your child(ren).
In the boutique*, a photobooth frame will be available for you to take pictures of yourself after you have composed your look on the spot.
The photos will be sent by email:
support@ppmc.fr or via social networks #ppmclovesyou or in private message.
Participate in the contest via
Facebook and
The winner will be drawn and contacted on Wednesday, June 7 to choose the color of the medium tote bag and the large fabric clutch that she will win.
*List of participating boutiques, which will provide a photobooth frame:
Angers, Annecy, Bordeaux, Caen, Dinard, Guérande, La Baule, Laval, Le Touquet, Lille, Nantes, Noirmoutier, Paris, Rennes, Rouen, Saint-Martin-de-Ré, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg, Toulouse.