Narrow shoulder strap (38mm) for bags and pouches.
The PPMC narrow bag shoulder strap is the perfect accessory for your small fanny packs, fanny packs, phone pouches and other handbags. It allows them to be slung over the shoulder, making them easy to carry. A true fashion accessory, it will add a touch of style to your bag or pouch. This shoulder strap is made from cotton fabric and is 38mm wide, perfect for child-teens and adult clutches.
Available in a wide range of colors and prints, these narrow shoulder straps with snap hooks give you the opportunity to create pretty color combinations with PPMC bowling bags.
L 108 x H 3,8 cm |
Main material
Coton |
Avec les pochettes, sacs et accessoires PPMC |
Fall for our narrow shoulder straps
Much more than a simple shoulder strap, the PPMC narrow shoulder strap will dress up your plain handbag or fanny pack to perfection.
Made from cotton fabric, it will match our small fanny packs to become a changing bag, our phone pouches, our toiletry bags and pouches to wear on the shoulder or across the body.
For easy care of your wide shoulder strap, machine wash at 30°. It will come out as fresh as new, and you'll be able to keep it for a long time to come, creating even more beautiful color combinations.